Victory Christian School uses A.C.E., School of Tomorrow curriculum and offers an instructional program for grades Pre-K through 12th grade

About Us
Victory Christian School maintains educational excellence in an atmosphere conducive to educational and Christian development.Victory Christian School develops character and positive attitudes in each of its students. It seeks to instruct children in the application of God’s principles to their daily lives as they pursue Christ and His purpose for them individually. This is accomplished through an excellent academic program, positive role modeling, and fellowship with other Christian young people.Introduction:
The objective of this Handbook is to acquaint parents, students and teachers with various policies of Victory Christian School. The contents of this Handbook will be discussed with prospective students and their parents at the time of interview for admission to the School. This is to answer any questions concerning general school policy, purpose and philosophy of a Chirstian education, manner of discipline, standards, and other matters of interest to parents and their children.
Our goal at VCS is to maintain academic excellence in a Christ-centered atmosphere.
This Handbook is a method of coordinating the efforts of parents, teachers, and students. It does not attempt to spell out he rules for every occasion. Common sense, good judgment, and principles from God’s Word are relied upon for most decisions. These policies are intended to provide for an orderly relationship among the parents, students and school.
The administration may change this handbook at any time it deems necessary. Handouts during a given year will update said changes, until they may be printed in a newly revised handbook.
Statement of Faith
1. The Bible is God’s revealed written Word, inerrant, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and infallible and authoritative for all who claim Jesus as Saviour and Lord of their lives.
2. God is one in three persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of life.
3. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Lord. He was virgin born, lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins, died, arose on the third day, appeared to the disciples and many others over a period of 40 days, then ascended to the right hand of the Father where He is exalted and is coming again in glory.
4. All people are born with a sinful nature and live with that nature and its fruit until they repent and by faith receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of their lives. The evidence of repentance is a regenerated life that emits love, and the presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting the presence of Jesus in gifts, fruit and wisdom.
5. Water baptism is by immersion after the person has received Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
6. God calls us to a hold righteous life in Him. We are to live lives separated from the world while in the world. Our lives are to be characterized by the character and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Jesus is going to return in person for His church. He will judge all mankind. The righteous will inherit the new Heaven and the new earth; the unrighteous will be banished to eternal punishment in a literal hell.A completed application for enrollment requires the following forms:
Student Application
Record Release Form
Parent and Student Commitment Form
Student Pledge
Parent Pledge
Photo Release Form
Forms for enrollment at Victory Christian School are available from the school administration. Other forms for enrollment may be required as the need presents itself.Standard of Conduct
Students of VCS are expected to refrain from engaging in/or talking about: cheating, swearing, any use of tobacco, ungodly music, dancing, sexual language, drinking of alcoholic beverages, and using narcotics. Any student who participates in or talks about such activities is subject to immediate suspension. They should not discuss ungodly music or movies/shows while at school.
VCS students are expected to act in an orderly and respectful manner, always careful to maintain good Christian standards of courtesy, kindness, clean language, morality, and trustworthiness. Each student must sign a Student Pledge, agreeing to strive toward unquestionable character in the areas of conduct, speech, modesty, and attitude.
Each student and parent must understand that enrollment at Victory Christian School is privilege. Therefore, at any time a student is subject to suspension, expulsion or non-enrollment based on the student’s behaviour and/or academic performance.Enrollment
Application packets will be provided upon request. In order for parents to apply for admission for their children, a non-refundable application fee must accompany each child’s application.
Upon receipt of a completed application, an interview with the parents and child(ren) will be arranged. The principle will discuss with the parents and each prospective student the purposes and standards of the School. Parents and prospective students will be given adequate time to have their questions about the school answered. In turn, the parents will be asked about their education goals for their children and whether or not they will adhere to the policies and standards set forth in this handbook. Once accepted, the student will serve a 30 day probationary time period in which the student will be able to adapt to the guidelines set forth by Victory Christian school. If during this 30 day period, a student is not successful or does not abide by the Code of Conduct, that student will be unenrolled without further financial payment due to the school. The parents will sign a form releasing the permanent records of the prospective student. Once accepted, an appointment will be made for diagnostic testing to determine where the student will begin working in the curriculum.Parental Involvement
All parents, guardians and caregivers are expected to:
-Attend Parent Orientation
-Participate in activities that undergird the School such as financial support, fundraising, volunteer labour, and supervision of field trips and extracurricular activities.
-Understand that both teachers and parents need to work together for the benefit of their children.
-Seek to clarify a child’s version of events with the school’s view in order to bring about a peaceful solution to any issue.
-Correct own child’s behaviour especially when it could otherwise lead to conflict, aggressive behaviour, or unsafe behaviour.
-Approach the school, not other parents, to help resolve any issues of concern.
-Avoid using staff as threats to admonish children’s behaviour.
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment, the school cannot tolerate parents, guardians, caregivers, and visitors exhibiting the following:
-Disruptive behaviour which interferes or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom or any other area of the school grounds.
-Using loud and/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language or displaying temper outside of Christian character.
-Damaging or destroying school property.
-Abusive or threatening emails or text/voicemail/phone messages or other written communication to any school employee.
-Gossiping with other parents, teachers, students, staff or guests regarding the school, teachers, students, processes, policies or otherwise.
-Defamatory, offensive, or derogatory comments regarding the school or any of the students/parents/staff, at the school whether face to face conversations, text messaging, the use of social media, etc. Any concerns you may have about the school must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the class teachers and, if not resolved, proper administration, so the matter can be dealt with fairly, appropriately, and effectively for all concerned.
-Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise him or her because of the actions towards the parent’s own child.
-Smoking (Cigarettes or vapours) or consumption of alcohol or other drugs while on school property.
Should any of the above guidelines be breached by a family, then such actions will result in penalties including restricted access to extracurricular events, removal of the student of the offending family from enrollment at Victory Christian School, contacting the appropriate authorities, or any other action deemed necessary.Explanation of Costs:
Application Fee:
At the time the application forms are submitted to the School, a non-refundable application fee of $50 must accompany each application. This fee will be used to pay for the Diagnostic Testing and paperwork needed to set up academic projections.
Tuition and Fees:
A schedule describing total tuition and fees is provided below. Tuition is due on the 1rst of each month. There may be more fees charged during the year for Art Class, Field Trips, Trophies & Awards, etc.Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten:
1/2 Days $200/month
Full Days $300/month
Curriculum Fee $50/monthGrades 1-8:
Curriculum Fee $50/monthGrades 9-12:
Curriculum Fee $60/monthWithdrawal Notice:
I agree to give a 14 day notice before withdrawing my student. I understand that I am financially responsible for the full month’s tuition/curriculum fees unless special arrangements are made with the school’s administration.
School Hours:
Students are required to be at the school no later than 8:50 so that they can be ready for class to start at 9:00. Classes are done by 3:30 and students should be picked up no later than 3:45.
Early Pick Up:
I understand that picking up my child early from school before dismissal time causes classroom disruptions, so I will limit early pick-up to instances where my child(ren) has a scheduled medical/dental appointment and arrange the pick-up with the school administration prior to the day.
Student Arrival and Pickup:
The School is not responsible for students dropped off before 8:30 or not picked up by 3:45.Student Dress Code:
Students need to be dressed modestly. If girls wish to wear dresses/skirts, long shorts or leggings need to be worn under them. Skirts/shorts need to come to the knee. Shirts need to cover the midriff when arms are raised. Pants need to cover the entire backside whether sitting or standing. No tank tops or low cut tops are allowed. Students need to be wearing socks and tennis shoes, not sandals or crocks. Students not meeting these guidelines will be asked to go home and change.
Scent Free:
This school is a scent-free facility. This is to protect both students and staff who have chemical sensitivities. Please be mindful and respectful of this. Some have reactions which can be literally life-threatening. Students failing to comply will be asked to leave the school until they have changed and washed off the scent.
Students are expected to arrive at school prepared with their belongings (i.e. backpack, lunch, school supplies, water bottle, snack, etc.) on a daily basis. Parents will be contacted and asked to bring the necessary supplies if student is not prepared. Parents may be charged for supplies if the problem persists or the child may be sent home as they may be unable to participate in school activities.
VCS and the A.C.E. Curriculum strive to teach children to be prepared daily in their learning. We have a high expectation for children to take responsibility in the preparation of their daily education experience. This involves being prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually. We expect the parents to help in this preparation. God calls us to be prepared in His Word. II Timothy says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This is a highly valued character trait of Christ. Therefore, it has high consequences when not followed. Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Absentee Policy:
If your child is not at school, they will be counted absent. If your child completes their work at home that day, it will help them to complete their year’s work requirements.Bad Weather Days:
At the discretion of the school principal, school will be closed because of inclement weather. Usually, but not always, if public school is closed for bad weather, the School will also be closed.
Dismissal for Extracurricular activities:
Students may not be excused during school hours without special permission.
Report Cards and Conferences:
Report Cards will be sent out at the end of each quarter. Conferences with parents can be held if requested by parents or staff.
Visits by parents:
Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school at any time as long as the visit is not disruptive to the students or staff. Please make arrangements with the staff prior to visiting.
Students will not be permitted to use cell phones and/or smart watches while on school property or school related trips. If your child must have a cell phone, it must be turned in to the staff upon arrival and will be returned to the student at dismissal. If a parent needs to get in contact with their child, they can contact the staff directly.Computer and Internet Access:
Students will not be allowed to access the internet without permission and supervision.
Parents agree not to defame Victory Christian School or state anything in a manner that could be construed as derogatory about the school or create divisiveness amongst the school community. Social media websites are being used increasingly to fuel campaigns and complaints against schools, teachers, school staff, and in some cases other parents/students. VCS considers the use of social media websites being used this way as unacceptable and not in the best interest of the children or the whole school community. Any concerns you may have must be made through the appropriate channels by speaking to the teacher, or the administration, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately, and effectively for all concerned. Violating this provision could result in removal from enrollment.
In the event that any pupil or parent/caregiver of a child(ren) being educated in the school is found to be posting libelous or defamatory comments on Facebook or other social network site, will be reported to the appropriate section of the network site as well as to the authorities if needed.
Additionally, cyber bullying and the use of one child or a parent to publicly humiliate another by inappropriate social network entries will be dealt with as a serious incident of school bullying.
We trust that parents and caregivers will assist our school with the implementation of these policies, and we thank you for your continuing support of Victory Christian School.
Emergencies, Illness, and Medication:
A parent who needs to reach his child due to an emergency should contact the school. In case of an accident at school, an attempt will be made to reach the parents.
If a student becomes ill, the parent will be contacted and the child sent home. Parents will also be notified if there are contagious diseases or parasites.
If a student must take a prescription medication during school hours, written authorization from the parent and/or physician must be on file in the school office. Medications are to be delivered to and kept in the school office. Prescriptions must be sent in their original container and may be administered only to the student named thereon and according to the directions.
Responsibility for injuries:
Students in attendance at VCS must assume any and all responsibility for injuries received at school or any school function or event. The School is not responsible for any damages resulting from injuries which occur as a result of misconduct of the student.
No lunches are provided on a regular basis at or by the School. Each student is responsible for bringing their lunch daily.
The principal must approve any and all parties in advance. Details of refreshments and decorations must be submitted for approval.
God’s Word, the King James Bible, is the School’s authority for determining right from wrong. The School will endeavor to form the character of a child by surrounding him with an environment of unconditional love and let him know that he is accepted by the School as a person with dignity and worth, since God has created him for the purpose of bearing His own image and likene

Application Form
Student InformationFull Legal Name___________________________________
(Last) (First) (Middle)Address_________________________________________
Age______ Sex_______ Birthdate____________ Birthplace________
School Last Attended_______________________________________
Last Grade Completed______________________________________Family Information
Father's Name____________________________________
Employment_______________ Daytime phone__________
Mother's Name____________________________________
Employment_______________ Daytime phone__________
Emergency telephone number,
other than those already listed________________________
Children in Family not attending:
Name _______________________________ Age________
_______________________________ Age________
_______________________________ Age________
_______________________________ Age________Religious Information
Church Attending__________________________________
Father: Christian? Yes____ No____
Mother: Christian? Yes____ No____
Has applicant made a profession of faith? Yes____ No____Medical Information
Family Physician__________________________________________
Does student have any medical needs or allergies that we need to be aware of? Yes_______ No______
Explain__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Scholastic Information
Has student ever been expelled, dismissed, suspended, or refused admission to another school?_________________
If yes, please explain_______________________________
Please indicate academic level of student's previous work:
Has student ever failed an academic subject in school?
If yes, please explain _______________________________
__________________________________________________________General Information
How did you hear about this school?____________________
Reason for selecting this school:_______________________
Application must be filled out completely before it can be processed.
Application, Registration, and Testing Fees of $50.00 must accompany Application and are not refundable. An interview with the parents and student will be required before final acceptance."I hereby pledge to pay my financial obligations to the school on the dates due and understand that it may be necessary to withdraw my student if proper arrangements are not made on a past due account.
"I give permission for my student to take part in all school activities, including sports and school-sponsored trips away from school premises, and absolve the school from liability to me or my student because of any injury to my student at school or during any school activity.
"I agree to uphold and support the high academic standard of the school by providing a place at home for my student to study and giving my student encouragement in the completion of any homework or assignments.
"I appreciate the standards of the school and do not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, dishonor to the Godhead and the Word of God, or disrespect to the personnel of the school. I hereby agree to support all regulations of the school on the applicant's behalf and authorize this school to employ discipline as it deems wise and expedient for the training of my student.
"I understand that the school reserves the right to dismiss any student who fails to comply with the established regulations and discipline or whose financial obligation remains unpaid.
"I have read the School's Code of Conduct, agree to complete Parent Orientation, and understand the terms stated on the Application and agree thereto."______________________ ___________________
Signature of Father Signature of Mother______________________ ___________________
Date Date
Thank You
For more information and enquires
Contact Tammy Millar
Phone number: 204-392-9802